Olen jo hyvän matkaa elämääni elänyt hoitoalalla työskentelevä nainen. Vaikka leipätyöni liittyy sairaalamaailmaan on toinen työni tai harrastukseni liittynyt taiteeseen ja maalaamiseen.
Muistan jo pikkutytösta asti tykänneeni piirtää ja maalata. Äiti ei vaan tykännyt kun piirsin keittiön pöydän alla lyijykynällä pöydän pohjaan kuviani. Pöydänpohjaan oli mukava piirtää. Kanervalan lastentarhassa olivat lastentarhanopettajat kehuneet äidilleni vanhempainillassa piirtämistaitojani josta äiti ylpeänä kertoi tullessaan kotiin. Monet kerrat piirsin liitutauluun naapurin lapsille satuja ja pidin nukketeatteria. Pikkuveljelleni kerroin itse keksimiäni iltasatuja.
Maalausharrastus on jatkunut tähän päivään asti enemmän tai vähemmän aktiivisena. Ollessani 11 vuotta kotiäitinä maalasin aika paljonkin. Osallistuin taidekerhon näyttelyihin Nurmeksessa ja muualla. Pidin myös yhden yksityisnäyttelyn. Kun vuonna -97 palasin työelämään, harrastus hiipui joksikin aikaa ajanpuutteen vuoksi. Tarvitsen tilaa, aikaa ja rauhaa maalata. Vaikka fyysisesti en ole maalannut, ajatuksissani sitäkin enemmän.
I'm a woman on my midlife. While I've earned my living working in care, my other work has always been art and paintig.
I have loved to draw and paint since I was a little girl. The bottom side of the kitchen table was one of my favourite canvases. Sadly, my mom disapproved.
One day, after she had returned from a parents meeting at Kanervala`s kindergarten, she told full of pride how the teachers had praised my drawing skills. Numerous times I entertained childrens of the neigbourhood by drawing stories on a chalkboard and by performing puppet theatre. I also told my little brother my selfmade bedtime stories.
I got my first oil colours as a christmas gift from my mother when I was 17. My dad was such a great help at the beginning of my painting hobby. He had studied theory of colour and perspective by correspondence course by-mail. My father gave me instructions and reviewed my early works. On the right you can see my first oil, "The Good Shepherd".
Painting as a hobby has continued to this day more or less actively. During my period of 11 years as a housewife, I painted quite a lot. I took part in art club's exhibitions in the city of Nurmes and also elsewhere. I also held one personal exhibition. When I returned to working life 1997, lack of time took it's toll on my hobby. To paint I need time, space and peace. Even though I always haven't been painting physically I've been painting in my mind.
I'm a woman on my midlife. While I've earned my living working in care, my other work has always been art and paintig.
I have loved to draw and paint since I was a little girl. The bottom side of the kitchen table was one of my favourite canvases. Sadly, my mom disapproved.
One day, after she had returned from a parents meeting at Kanervala`s kindergarten, she told full of pride how the teachers had praised my drawing skills. Numerous times I entertained childrens of the neigbourhood by drawing stories on a chalkboard and by performing puppet theatre. I also told my little brother my selfmade bedtime stories.
I got my first oil colours as a christmas gift from my mother when I was 17. My dad was such a great help at the beginning of my painting hobby. He had studied theory of colour and perspective by correspondence course by-mail. My father gave me instructions and reviewed my early works. On the right you can see my first oil, "The Good Shepherd".
Painting as a hobby has continued to this day more or less actively. During my period of 11 years as a housewife, I painted quite a lot. I took part in art club's exhibitions in the city of Nurmes and also elsewhere. I also held one personal exhibition. When I returned to working life 1997, lack of time took it's toll on my hobby. To paint I need time, space and peace. Even though I always haven't been painting physically I've been painting in my mind.
"Jokainen taiteilija kastaa siveltimen omaan sieluunsa ja maalaa tauluihinsa oman sisimpänsä"
"Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures."
-H.W. Beecher (1813-1887)
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